Accurate Chemiluminescence Imager
Accurate Dual-block Thermal Cycler
Accurate microplate centrifuge
Adjustable Gradient Thermal Cycler
Adjustable Microplate Thermo Shaker
Adjustable Thermo Shaker Incubator
Adjustable Vertical Electrophoresis Cell
Aerosol-tight microplate centrifuge
Agricultural Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Agricultural Water Bath Incubator
air protection UV Transilluminator
Aluminum Microplate Thermo Shaker
Amplification Dry Bath Incubator
Analytical Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Antibody incubation and washing
Apparatus Microspectrophotometer for Laboratory
auto-focusable Chemiluminescence Imager
Automated multifunctional imager
Automated Western Blot Processor
Automated western blot transfer
Automatic Thermo Shaker Incubator
Automatic Water Bath Incubator
Bacteria Refrigerated Centrifuge
Balancing High-speed Centrifuge
Benchtop Chemiluminescence Imager
Benchtop Electrophoresis Power supply
Benchtop High-speed Centrifuge
Benchtop Thermo Shaker Incubator
Biochemical UV Transilluminator
Biochemistry microplate centrifuge
Biochemistry Mini Vortex Mixer
Biochemistry Refrigerated Centrifuge
Biochemistry Thermo Shaker Incubator
Biological High-speed Centrifuge
Biological Microspectrophotometer
biology Electrophoresis Power supply
biology Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
biology Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
Biomedical Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Biomedical microplate centrifuge
Biotechnology Thermo Shaker Incubator
Biotechnology Water Bath Incubator
Brass Microplate Thermo Shaker
Cell biology Refrigerated Centrifuge
Cell culture microplate centrifuge
Cell Culture Refrigerated Centrifuge
Cell culture Thermo Shaker Incubator
Cell Pellets Refrigerated Centrifuge
Cell viewer inside the incubator
Ceramic Microplate Thermo Shaker
Cheap Horizontal electrophoresis
Cheap Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Chemical Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Chemical High-speed Centrifuge
Chemiluminescence Imager for Biotechnology
Chemiluminescence Imager for hospital laboratory
Chemiluminescence Imager for laboratory
Chemiluminescence Imager for pharmaceutical company
Chemiluminescence Imager for scientific research
Chemiluminescence Imager for scientific research institutes
Chemiluminescence Imager for University laboratory
Chemiluminescence Imager with camera
Chemiluminescence multifunctional imager
Chemiluminescent Gel Doc Imager
Chinese Horizontal electrophoresis
Chinese Horizontal electrophoresis Cell
Chinese Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Circulating Water Bath Incubator
clearly Chemiluminescence Imager
Clinical Analysis Mini Vortex Mixer
Clinical Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Clinical microplate centrifuge
Clinical Refrigerated Centrifuge
Clinical research Thermo Shaker Incubator
coated Electrophoresis Power supply
coated Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
coated Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
commercial Gradient Thermal Cycler
Compact Chemiluminescence Imager
Compact Electrophoresis Power supply
Compact multifunctional imager
Compact Thermo Shaker Incubator
Composite Material Sample Grinder
Constant Voltage Electrophoresis Power supply
continuous multifunctional imager
continuous UV Transilluminator
Continuous Vertical Electrophoresis Cell
customized Electrophoresis Power supply
Denaturation Dry Bath Incubator
denaturing Electrophoresis Power supply
Diagnostic High-speed Centrifuge
Diagnostics microplate centrifuge
Diagnostics Refrigerated Centrifuge
digital Chemiluminescence Imager
digital Gradient Thermal Cycler
digital Microspectrophotometer
digital multifunctional imager
directly Microspectrophotometer
Disc-type High-speed Centrifuge
DNA Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
DNA Vertical Electrophoresis Cell
DNA/RNA Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
double beam Microspectrophotometer
Drucker angle microplate centrifuge
Drug discovery microplate centrifuge
Drum-type High-speed Centrifuge
Dry Block Water Bath Incubator
dual sensor multifunctional imager
Dual-block Thermal Cycler for DNA amplification
Dual-block Thermal Cycler for Gene expression
Dual-block Thermal Cycler for laboratory
Dual-block Thermal Cycler for Nucleic acid analysis
Dual-block Thermal Cycler for research
Dual-Purpose Water Bath Incubator
Dual-Wavelength UV Transilluminator
Durability High-Speed Centrifuge
durable Gradient Thermal Cycler
Durable Microplate Thermo Shaker
easy to save Microspectrophotometer
easy to use Chemiluminescence Imager
Easy-to-clean Circle Rotating Mixer
Easy-to-clean Refrigerated Centrifuge
Easy-to-use Micro High-Speed Centrifuge
Efficient Circle Rotating Mixer
Efficient Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Efficient Cooling Gradient Thermal Cycler
Efficient Dual-block Thermal Cycler
Efficient Micro High-Speed Centrifuge
electric Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
electro multifunctional imager
electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Imager
electronic Gradient Thermal Cycler
electroosmotic Electrophoresis Power supply
electroosmotic Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Electrophoresis Gel Doc Imager
Electrophoresis Power supply for Laboratory
Electrophoresis Power supply with immunofixation
electrophoresis UV Transilluminator
Energy-efficient Mini Centrifuge
Energy-saving Dry Bath Incubator
Environmental Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Environmental Micro High-speed Centrifuge
Environmental samples Refrigerated Centrifuge
Environmental science Thermo Shaker Incubator
Ergonomic Circle Rotating Mixer
error-free Chemiluminescence Imager
exported Microspectrophotometer
Extra-large Thermo Shaker Incubator
fast detection Microspectrophotometer
fast imaging Chemiluminescence Imager
Fixed angle microplate centrifuge
Fixed-angle Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Flexible Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Flip Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Floor-standing Micro High-speed Centrifuge
Floor-standing Mini Centrifuge
Fluorescent Chemiluminescence Imager
Fluorescent multifunctional imager
Food and beverage Micro High-speed Centrifuge
Forensic Combination Rotor Centrifuge
Forensic Micro High-speed Centrifuge
free flow Electrophoresis Power supply
free flow Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
functional Electrophoresis Power supply
functional Gradient Thermal Cycler
functional Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Gel Doc Imager for Biotechnology
gel Electrophoresis Power supply
Gradient Thermal Cycler for Biotechnology
Gradient Thermal Cycler for experiments
Gradient Thermal Cycler for pharmaceutical company
Gradient Thermal Cycler for Research
Gradient Thermal Cycler for University laboratory
Gradient Vertical Electrophoresis Cell
high concentration Microspectrophotometer
high definition Chemiluminescence Imager
High Definition multifunctional imager
high Efficient Chemiluminescence Imager
high performance Gradient Thermal Cycler
High Precision Gradient Thermal Cycler
High Sensitive Microspectrophotometer
High throughput Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
High-performance Circle Rotating Mixer
High-performance Dry Bath Incubator
High-performance Rotating Mixer
High-performance Sample Grinder
High-Power Electrophoresis Power supply
high-resolution Chemiluminescence Imager
High-resolution Dual-block Thermal Cycler
High-Resolution Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
High-Resolution multifunctional imager
High-speed Microplate Thermo Shaker
High-throughput Dual-block Thermal Cycler
High-throughput Mini Centrifuge
High-Throughput Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
Horizontal electrophoresis Cell
Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Horizontal electrophoresis chamber for blood test
horizontal Electrophoresis Power supply
Horizontal Micro High-speed Centrifuge
Hybridization Dry Bath Incubator
In-line Micro High-speed Centrifuge
Integrated Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Integrated Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
Intelligent Antibody incubation and washing
Intelligent Chemiluminescence Imager
Intelligent Western Blot Processor
intuitive Microspectrophotometer
isoelectric Electrophoresis Power supply
isoelectric Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Laboratory Equipment Fluorometer
Large Capacity Gradient Thermal Cycler
large range UV Transilluminator
Large-capacity Dry Bath Incubator
Lightweight Dry Bath Incubator
lipoprotein Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Low-maintenance Sample Grinder
Low-profile Dry Bath Incubator
Low-Temperature Gradient Thermal Cycler
Macro Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Material Science Sample Grinder
Microplate Thermo Shaker Incubator
Microspectrophotometer for Diagnostics
Mid Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Middle Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Modular Electrophoresis Power supply
Multi Sensor multifunctional imager
Multi-Channel Chemiluminescence Imager
Multi-Wavelength UV Transilluminator
Multi-Well Vertical Electrophoresis Cell
multifunctional imager for medical research
Multiple Formats Gradient Thermal Cycler
Multipurpose Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
native Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
negative Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Parallel Vertical Electrophoresis Cell
Pixel Chemiluminescence Imager
Portable Circle Rotating Mixer
Portable multifunctional imager
positive Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Precision Electrophoresis Power supply
Programmable Dry Bath Incubator
Programmable Gradient Thermal Cycler
protein Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Protein Microspectrophotometer
Pulsed-Field Vertical Electrophoresis Cell
Rapid Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
Removable Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Safety Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Safety Transfer Electrophoresis Cell
sensitive Chemiluminescence Imager
Stainless Steel Sample Grinder
Strong SNR Chemiluminescence Imager
Temperature Control Gradient Thermal Cycler
Touchscreen Chemiluminescence Imager
Transfer Electrophoresis Cell used in biochemistry
Ultra-Micro Microspectrophotometer
Unique Flip DNA Electrophoresis
User-Friendly Gradient Thermal Cycler
User-Friendly Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Versatile Circle Rotating Mixer
Versatile Gradient Thermal Cycler
Vertical Electrophoresis Cell for laboratory
Vertical Electrophoresis Cell for research
Vertical Electrophoresis Cell used in biochemistry
vertical Horizontal electrophoresis chamber
Visible multifunctional imager
western blot Chemiluminescence Imager